I'm Happy after buyingThis MLB 13 The Show Playstation 3

I simply don't agree with, or even understand for that matter, the negative comments on this game. The only thing I have to say is be aware of what you are purchasing. This game is designed to SIMULATE baseball. You can't just get up to bat and swing at every pitch and expect to be good at this game. Timing is key. Pitch selection is key. Pitch location is key. This is how baseball really is. This isn't a button smasher, you need to learn, practice to be good at it.
I can't comment on the negativity that this is just a roster update, because I didn't play 2011 or 2012. I own 2010 and in my opinion this game is head over heels better from 2010 to 2013. Graphics, game play, and overall presentation are much better than 2010.
I have spent some good hours playing this game and I have loved every second of it. If you want a true baseball simulation this is the game for you. If you are looking for an easy game where you hit a homerun every other at bat, hit .540 with 85HR....this probably isn't the game for you.
i want a ps3 but i dont know if i sould buy one, what are some cool features or games? are ps3 good?
ReplyDeleteWhats up everyone, and this past Tuesday MLB the show 13 came out for Ps3 and Ps Vita. I did pre-order the game anbout 2 months ago but I only put 5 bucks on it. I was going to pick it up but I didn't have enough money, I get my check Monday and will probably go pick up my copy. BUT first I wanna know everyones opinion on the overall game! Is it good? Worth buying? Or should I just save my money? Thanks everyone!
ReplyDeleteI already have Hot Shots Golf and Uncharted and I only have money for one more game! So should I get Rayman Origins, Unit 13, or MLB The Show? Especially those of you who have played any of these 3 games I would really appreciate your opinion!
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering if the Xbox is better to get soley on the fact that it has a better online interface, i would have to pay for online and a PS3 has free online and is cheaper for more space. They both have decent controlers and slim design...i need some help deciding....thanks!!
ReplyDeleteno fanboy wars i want your honest opinion.