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The TV On DVD Fad Has A Useful Purpose After All

I'm Happy after buyingThis The Starlost Complete Series

The Starlost Complete Series

VCI Entertainment presents "THE STARLOST: COMPLETE SERIES" (22 September 1973) (800 mins/Color) (Fully Restored/Dolby Digitally Remastered) --- Now for the first time all 16 episodes are available in this collection on four discs --- Enjoy the one and only Canadian sci-fi series from 1973 that ran for sixteen episodes before it was canceled due to low ratings --- The series was written by renowned science fiction author Harlan Ellison under a pseudonym, with additional episodes being written by other sci-fi authors --- It was created in Canada by Glen Warren Productions and part ially funded by Twentieth Century Fox, who now own the broadcast and syndication rights to the series --- It was also compiled down into five movies, each composed of two episodes each, with new credit sequences --- The Starlost has a cult following, especially with Canadian sci-fi fans and must admit has a certain charm --- Also notable as being the second Canadian sci-fi series ever created --- Some of these episodes have not been seen since their original air dates.

The principal leads are Kier Dullea, Gay Rowan, the perpetually gruff Robin Ward, and William Oster as the endlessly helpful computer "host" were very well cast and gave their all, and the guest appearances by some of the best and brightest of the day the late Lloyd Bochner, a misplaced Walter Koenig, "Space: 1999"'s Barry Morse, priceless Ed Ames, and John Colicos who even makes the word vegetable sound like a Shakespeare sonnet are wonderful.

Under the production staff of:
Joseph L. Scanlan - Director
Ed Richardson - Director
Harvey Hart - Director
George McCowan - Director
Leo Orenstein - Director
Mart in Lager - Director
William Davidson - Producer
Douglas Trumbull - Producer
Jerome M. Zeitman - Producer
Harlan Ellison - Screenwriter
Norman Klenman - Screenwriter
Mart in Lager - Screenwriter
George Ghent - Screenwriter
Ray Fitzwalter - Cinematographer
Gordon Stoddard - Film Editor
Lissa Calvert - Special Effects
Bob Colquhoun - Special Effects
Gordon Lowe - Special Effects
Lou Margolis - Special Effects
Mereline Thompson - Special Effects
Douglas Trumbull - Visual Effects

Our story line and plot, In the year 2790 A.D., a giant Eart h ship, Ark, drifts through deep space, out of control, its crew having been killed five hundred years earlier --- The airlocks connecting the ship's domes that housed the last survivors of the dead planet, Eart h, were sealed --- Without a crew at the helm, the Ark was on a collision course with a sun --- The giant Noah's Ark like spaceship, composed of hundreds of huge "domes", each containing a sample culture from the planet Eart h, Three simple farmers accidentally find their way out of their dome and must find a solution to the predicament or the Ark and all of humanity will be lost --- As each episode progresses, they move from dome to dome, experiencing the fascination and danger of meeting different cultures, as they search for someone who might know how to save The Ark. Rarely seen cult television favorite.

the cast includes
Keir Dullea ... Devon
Gay Rowan ... Rachel
Robin Ward ... Gart h
William Osler ... Computer Voice
Jim Barron ... Gart h's Father
Walter Koenig ... Oro
Allen Stewart -Coates ... Computer
Scott Fisher ... Four - Prosecutor
Aileen Seaton ... Rachel's Mother

1. Keir Dullea
Date of Birth: 30 May 1936 - Cleveland, Ohio
Date of Death: Still Living

2. Gay Rowan
Date of Birth: 1948 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date of Death: Still Living

3. Robin Ward
Date of Birth: 1944
Date of Death: Still Living

4. William Osler
Date of Birth: 16 May 1933 - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Date of Death: Still Living

1. The Starlost Sales Pitch: This is a long lost piece that was sent to the networks to sell Starlost for syndication. It stars Keir Dullea and Executive Producer Douglas Trumball. It's only been seen by a few, our thanks to Lewis Schoenburn for finding this little gem.(7 mins/Color)

2. "Darkstar" (1974) Trailer --- Stuck on a 20 year mission to destroy unstable worlds, the weary crew of Darkstar can barely remember their home planet, Eart h. When an asteroid storm short-circuits the vessel's weapons system, the astronauts and senior surviving officer Lt. Doolittle (Brian Narelle) must talk a "smart bomb" out of killing them all. This surreal parody of 2001: A Space Odyssey marked John Carpenter's directorial debut.

Hats off and thanks to Robert Blair and his staff at VCI Entertainment --- VCI was named in Variety and Hollywood Reporter as the first company to produce and release motion pictures directly to the home marketplace --- order your copy now from Amazon or VCI Entertainment where there are plenty of copies available on DVD, stay tuned once again for top notch releases --- VCI are experts in releasing long forgotten films and treasures to the collector -- looking forward to more Nostalgic Collections --- all my heroes have been cowboys!

Total Time: 800 min on DVD ~ VCI Entertainment ~ (10/21/2008)

Get your The Starlost Complete Series Now!
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Ditulis oleh: Jack Thompson - Tuesday, February 5, 2013

6 komentar untuk "The TV On DVD Fad Has A Useful Purpose After All"

  1. Never saw this series as a kid, little slow but overall pretty cool show. If you dig Space 1999 and UFO or other 70's sci-fi era shows this is pretty cool.

  2. Well, we all have out opinions on Starlost. Good Bad or Worst, thats for you to decide. I just got the set and watched 2 episodes. I just want to let people know the the quality of the transfer is probably the best you'll find for the age of the series and how it was made. The UK version is not as good as there is only 10 episodes and the quality is not as good.
    Thanks to VCI for finally getting it done right!
    My opinion it would have been cool to have the discs in a sphere.

  3. At long last this forgotten cult scifi classic comes to dvd! Many who remember this show have panned it for being stiff, with wooden acting and cheap sfx. Most of the sfx was done with the croma key effect. You have to remember that this show was made in the early 70s, on a very tight budget. The show was also abandoned by it's creator. While the show has it's flaws, as most shows do, it also has a charm the can only be found in an early low budget tv production. Fans of Doctor Who will appreciate the low budget effects and storylines.
    All in all, this dvd release has been a long time coming and I cannot wait for my set.
    Have an open mind, and give the show a chance before bowing to the critics who will pan the show, you may be pleasantly surprised!
    My rating is on the content which hopefully will be matched by a superb quality dvd release!

  4. Unlike most all the previous reviews, I have received my copy of The Starlost and am very impressed with the quality of the dvd. It's a 4 dvd set and contains all the 16 episodes that were filmed and finished. They have been remastered and have a good quality to them. If you've been used to watching these episodes on a grainy youtube video you will be pleasantly surprised on the quality. No, it's not like today's sci fi quality but for the early 70's it's fantastic. There are scenes I have watched on youtube but on dvd it's much clearer and you see everything. It's funny, this is the first time I have seen a clear picture of the show in color. In 1973 I was a kid and we didn't own a color tv then. If you are a fan it's a must have. Bless you VCI. If you'd like to know more about The Starlost check out this fan site at [...]
    Now go out and buy it!

  5. Kudos to VCI for the great job they did on bringing this neglected TV series to DVD. The problems that plagued this series are very well known but this IS NOT AS BAD AS LEGEND HAS IT. Go into it knowing it is shot on video (having the look of the 70s Dr. Who episodes) but like that series, the basic story idea for the series keeps your interest. The budget was slashed drastically right before filming of the show and while the execution may show the budget slashing sometimes, the actual production design is pretty good. The gigantic Ark ship is pretty cool and many of the other set pieces like the imposing corridor-bounce tubes, abandoned bridge, shuttle craft, the various graphics for the different ARK departments and personal, could have had the polished look of Space:1999 if it would have been put on film. Harlan Ellison disowned the series but the fascinating core of his story still holds true. The three leads are likable and begin to develop chemistry through the course of the short series. You might even be surprised at who shows up as a guest star. Watch it knowing it had survived many troubles behind the scenes- you will still see something interesting and different. You may even lament the fact that the Starlost was not allowed to find it's way and develop! You can see a terrific website on the genesis and creation of the show with lots of information and photos at
