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Sexy Sensual Workout

I love Shimmy The Complete First Season

Shimmy The Complete First Season

Shimmy is my absolute favorite workout. When the series used to air on FitTV, I used to schedule my day around it! It's addictive! The dancers are all wonderful and a joy to watch. The host has a soothing voice and the music is's just such a fun way to exercise without breaking a major sweat but still getting in some toning and movement. Since there isn't any jumping, it's also great for apartment dwellers! The improvement in my abs and my arms was not to be believed - after just 2 weeks, I noticed a huge difference, no more flabbiness under my arms and my abs became much more defined. They really motivated me to keep with it - so much so that I ended up taking a belly dance class to supplement my home workout. I hope they will make another season!

Get your Shimmy The Complete First Season Now!
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Ditulis oleh: Jack Thompson - Tuesday, February 5, 2013

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