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If This Be "Euro-Trash" ...

You need To Check this Offenbach H%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne Harnoncourt Kasarova Zurich

Offenbach H%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne Harnoncourt Kasarova Zurich

I don't know why it took me so long to acquire "Helene" on DVD since I have had a CD of it for many years. Recollecting initial reviews were all positive, I can only chalk it up to inertia. Well, I was delighted with the whole performance and since France is unable to to come up with a qualified Helene, they could do no better than Flott. She is not a conventionally beautiful woman, she is, however, attractive, and skilled enough to convince you that she is beautiful. Besides a performance in the theatre is certainly not as invasive as a video camera.

I only wish that in the near future there will be a production of Hoffman that is as good that this; and while Helene is not a substitute I can recommend it to those who enjoy French operetta, are not put off by spoken dialogue, and an updated production. Much of the satire remains trenchant, in a generalized way and while the humor has been perhaps broadened by Pelly (though not to the extremes he went to in Fille du Regiment)I was enchanted by the performance and enjoyed the interviews after the performance.

HIghly recommended

Get your Offenbach H%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne Harnoncourt Kasarova Zurich Now!
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Ditulis oleh: Jack Thompson - Friday, April 26, 2013

7 komentar untuk "If This Be "Euro-Trash" ..."

  1. This is a wonderful production. Felicity Lott lost some of her past vocal quality, but she is an amazing comic actress and the concept of the production suits her admirably. The rest of the cast is outstanding too. Minkowski knows how to extract all the fun and wit in Offenbach spirited music, and the director, Laurent Pelly is one of the most talented opera directors active today. Don't miss it! It is a gem!

  2. I had never seen La Belle helene Before. Only heard it. This DVD is a must have. The whole cast is at her best, including Dame Felicity Lott. Maybe she is not Physically the perfect Helene (a little older for the role), but her singing and acting are the highest issues of this DVD. Costumes, stage design and choreography, makes this a wonderful experience and you can see it again and again and will enjoy it each time.

    Very good sound and image quality (not usual for kultur's DVD's. I hope this label continue improving quality)

    You will not regret to buy it.

  3. This is a production from 1997 and in stereo only. It also has some of the most unflattering costumes that have ever been provided for Kasarova, and she has certainly been the victim of costume designers before! None of this matters and simply becomes irrelevant given the sheer sparkle and wit of the production and the performers throughout a most enjoyable evening's entertainment. As regards the sound, the stereo is so good that one soon forgets all about rear speakers and sub-woofers!

    The story is, of course, a total spoof, or send-up of the lead up to the Trojan Wars. For his libretto, Offenbach was fortunate to have talented librettists so the plot never falters. This production continues with the caricature nature of the piece in its choice of costumes which are generally bizarre but nevertheless are acceptable in the circumstances. Stage props and scenery are rather minimalist but effective in the same sort of way.

    The cast is fully engaged and participate at all points with boundless enthusiasm. This comment applies not just to the soloists but also to the entire chorus who are evidently enjoying this piece of French chaotic humour. Fortunately the humour is not over-worked so, as a result, it all works as it should and is really very funny for much of the time. In particular, Kasarova as Helene, is an inspired choice as she not only has one of the finest mezzo-sopranos on the world stage today, but she also has a wonderful sense of stage humour and humorous timing. Those who know her performance in the Barber of Seville will know what to expect!

    Kasarova is matched by an enthusiastic Paris (Deon van der Walt), as well as strong supporting roles supplied by Carlos Chausson as Calcas, Volker Vogel as Menelaus, Liliana Nichiteanu as Orestes and Oliver Widmer as Agamennon. The other supporting solo cast are all equally enjoyable to follow.

    The orchestra is on fine form under Nicholaus Harnoncourt who is typically attentive to every passing detail and ensures very high standards are met throughout. He even joins the whole cast for a communal 'knees-up' for the curtain calls as the orchestra provide one more chorus.

    The camera work is excellent and the imaging is totally clear as most of the coverage is close enough for it not to matter that this precedes HD recording. The stereo sound is more than adequate to give complete involvement for the viewer.

    This is a particularly enjoyable presentation of one of Offenbach's most enjoyable light operas. The audience were highly enthusiastic and appreciative and I would expect this to be the reaction of most purchasers of this disc. For that reason I would suggest that this is a good candidate for the full 5 stars despite its age and lack of current HD recording techniques. Please note that this review is based on the Arthaus original issue.

  4. This La Belle Helene has been nominated for many awards and rightly so. It is so much fun. Dame Felicity Lott is a wonderful Helene, slightly older than Offenbach might have imagined, and this makes her performance so hilarious. She is a combination Lucille Ball and Joan Davis as she casts her eye on young Paris and yearns for him yet must present a proper outward appearance. And she sings gloriously!The whole cast is oustanding and the operetta is presented with many clever bits. During the Dream Duet the chorus appears in the background as amorous sheep. In the first act Menelaus appears in his nightshirt while Paris, in the contest, has only a towel draped around him as he sings his Mt. Ida song. Best of all is the Act 1 conclusion. Though less than a minute long, Menalaus is whisked off on his journey to Crete by eight dancers dressed as travel agents who even manage to add a very brief Offenbach cancan to their highjinks. And a flight attendant briefly appears to lead the King away.Hats off to Dame Felicity for a performence for the ages! And Offenbach must surely be smiling.

  5. I don't know why it took me so long to acquire "Helene" on DVD since I have had a CD of it for many years. Recollecting initial reviews were all positive, I can only chalk it up to inertia. Well, I was delighted with the whole performance and since France is unable to to come up with a qualified Helene, they could do no better than Flott. She is not a conventionally beautiful woman, she is, however, attractive, and skilled enough to convince you that she is beautiful. Besides a performance in the theatre is certainly not as invasive as a video camera.

    I only wish that in the near future there will be a production of Hoffman that is as good that this; and while Helene is not a substitute I can recommend it to those who enjoy French operetta, are not put off by spoken dialogue, and an updated production. Much of the satire remains trenchant, in a generalized way and while the humor has been perhaps broadened by Pelly (though not to the extremes he went to in Fille du Regiment)I was enchanted by the performance and enjoyed the interviews after the performance.

    HIghly recommended

  6. I don't know what universe the previous reviewer Jackson is in, but this is a wonderful spoof on mythology, history, culture of the time it was written, and even spoofing Rossini's great male trio from William Tell. Mr Jackson must have no humour / brains. The more I listen to Offenbach, the more levels of satire I find, the more amazed I am at his genius.

    And we have marvelous singer/actors here and clever costumes if you can read latin. Kasarova is excellent as Helene and the Afrikaaner Van der Walt has a nice lyric, yet masculine voice, easily soaring above high C.

    While the staging is not elaborate, some cute business has characters occasionally interacting with the conductor, even descending into the pit. Very delightful.

    If you have a sense of humour, you should enjoy this over and over!!
