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My viewing with Marilyn

I love My Week Marilyn Michelle Williams

My Week Marilyn Michelle Williams

I'm old enough to remember seeing most of Marilyn Monroe's films on the big screen when they were released. And I'm sure I had her pinup somewhere in my room. I'm sorry she never finished her last film "Something's Gotta Give" but, as I was watching Michelle Williams in the new film, I felt I was seeing a "New" Marilyn film. Williams was perfect casting. And I had never seen her before. I missed "Blue Valentine". She really channels Monroe and is both sexy and introspective.

As you have probably read - I won't go over the plot again, as others have surely done that here - the film is based on Colin Clark's journal about the week he spent on the set of the film that eventually became "The Prince and The Showgirl". I can't think of a male over age 18 that won't think - while watching this film - "Wow! If only I was in Clark's position!" And I'm sure many will dream of that! Honestly, I can't say how this plays out from the point of the female viewer.

No this is not an "epic" film but rather the kind of small "Quality" films that the Weinstein Company finds and releases. (Just look at "The Artist", "The Descendants" and "The Iron Lady"; all with superb casting and lots of Oscar noms.). And for that I can recommend it highly. It's not long - at just 99 minutes.

Both the DVD and the Blu-ray have the same bonus features. These include a full length commentary by Director Simon Curtis as well as a 19-minute " The Untold Story of An American Icon", which is the now-typical "making of" featurette which mixes comments from the cast and production crew with scenes from the film. There a few actually newsreels clips of Monroe included, but not enough to mention. And there is nothing included putting this "week of filming in England" into perspective with the rest of Monroe's career or the culture of the times. A short documentary on Monroe would have added greatly to the experience for viewers who were not alive during Monroe's life.

My five-stars are based on the film itself, as I want to encourage others to see it. But if I had to rare the package as a whole it would be 4 stars.

I hope you found this information both helpful and informative

Steve Ramm
"Anything Phonographic"

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Ditulis oleh: Jack Thompson - Sunday, August 18, 2013

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