You need To Check this Cleopatre La Derniere Reine dEgypte

This music al is just AMAZING. The choreography alone is enough to justify getting the disc, as the dance s are so dynamic and so well executed it's an amazing spectacle. Kamel Ouali who is responsible for the dancing is an absolute genius. The decor and costume s are very well tuned to the time period while obviously a contemporary interpretation rather than a re-creation, it nevertheless hits the mark in projecting the aesthetic of the period, and the stage decor is innovative and original. It is one of the few that I have seen that captures the splendor of ancient Egypt as it must have been. Please note that for American audiences who usually get their impressions of the ancient world through Shakespeare or a Victorian, Anglicized version, both of which are intensely prejudiced and inaccurate, this show is a stunning revelation.
The story moves at a good pace with the dance s making a lot of the plot easy to follow. The music is GREAT and the actor/singers are very well chosen for the roles. Exceptionally good were the performances of Sofia Essaidi as Cleopatra, who manages to look stunning and sexy in every single costume change, her singing and dancing are fabulous and her exotic beauty, part icularly her large, expressive eyes, make her a perfect Cleopatra. Dominique Magloire is brilliant as Charmion, she is a true diva with an incredible voice that rocks the stage . Mehdi Kerkouche does an incredible job in the secondary role of Ptolemy, Cleopatra's younger brother. His singing and dancing are so intense and well executed that he turns it into a major role.
I can't understand why this work is not on Broadway, it would be a huge success, for years!
This musical is just AMAZING. The choreography alone is enough to justify getting the disc, as the dances are so dynamic and so well executed it's an amazing spectacle. Kamel Ouali who is responsible for the dancing is an absolute genius. The decor and costumes are very well tuned to the time period while obviously a contemporary interpretation rather than a re-creation, it nevertheless hits the mark in projecting the aesthetic of the period, and the stage decor is innovative and original. It is one of the few that I have seen that captures the splendor of ancient Egypt as it must have been. Please note that for American audiences who usually get their impressions of the ancient world through Shakespeare or a Victorian, Anglicized version, both of which are intensely prejudiced and inaccurate, this show is a stunning revelation.
ReplyDeleteThe story moves at a good pace with the dances making a lot of the plot easy to follow. The music is GREAT and the actor/singers are very well chosen for the roles. Exceptionally good were the performances of Sofia Essaidi as Cleopatra, who manages to look stunning and sexy in every single costume change, her singing and dancing are fabulous and her exotic beauty, particularly her large, expressive eyes, make her a perfect Cleopatra. Dominique Magloire is brilliant as Charmion, she is a true diva with an incredible voice that rocks the stage. Mehdi Kerkouche does an incredible job in the secondary role of Ptolemy, Cleopatra's younger brother. His singing and dancing are so intense and well executed that he turns it into a major role.
I can't understand why this work is not on Broadway, it would be a huge success, for years!