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You need To Check this Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom Xbox 360

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom Xbox 360

Before I start this review I just wanted to address the whole "this should be DLC" argument. Now I'm fully aware that the original MvC3 came out back in February and that it had two DLC characters, Jill and Shuma-Gortah. It's this very argument that most people use to criticize Capcom's decision for re-releasing MvC3 so early. What most people don't realize is that if Capcom were to release all this new content as DLC it would have costed more, not only that but it would have been impossible. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has 12 additional characters. 8 new stage s, 3 new game modes, a new net code for better online play, and a much more diverse fighting system (but I'll get into that later). Now keep in that the DLC memory limit for Xbox 360 games is 2 Gigabits and that DLC memory takes much more than a core game. I bring this up mainly because back in June Capcom released the final installment of the "Street Fighter 4" series as DLC. The DLC pack contained 4 new characters and more additions to the games replay feature. This DLC bundle was 650 Megabits and it doesn't have nearly half the content Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 does. If Capcom were to have chosen to release UMvC3 as a DLC pack we wouldn't have half the content we're getting in the retail release.

Alright, time for the actual review.

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is a truly fantastic fighting game and offers so many unique team parings that it can keep players coming back for years to come. As I mentioned before the game has 12 additional characters from the previous version. The characters for the Marvel side are Ghost Rider (Ghost Rider series), Hawkeye (The Avengers), Dr.Strange (Dr.Strange comics), Iron Fist (Iron Fist series), Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy series), and Nova (Nova Corps). As for the Capcom side the new additions are Strider (Strider series and long time "versus" character), Firebrand (Demons Crest and Ghost n' Goblins), Nemesis (Resident Evil 3), Vergil (Devil May Cry 3), Frank West (Dead Rising franchise), and Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney franchise). It may have been said already by others, but this lineup of new characters brings so much more to the table than the old roaster did. Almost all the characters change how the game is played (especially Phoenix Wright and Frank West).

I also said that there are new stage s and it's kinda true. Instead of giving us entirely new stage s we are left with new visions of present stage s. For example, the Resident Evil test lab is now on fire with various creatures running about when in the original game it was just a basic lab (keep in mind you have access to both versions of each stage in this game). In all honesty though, I myself don't care about the stage s to much because I'm always caught up in the fighting when it comes to these types of games, but it's still nice to have verity, which is what this game has. The game's net code (AKA the games online) is great this time around, there's little to no lag. You have the options to play ranked matches, quick matches, player matches, or lobbies with friends. Lobbies were a much needed addition and I'm overjoyed they finally included one in this game. When you're in spectator mode the fight runs smoothly and you can cheer your friends on as they fight until it's your turn. It's a real fun experience and truly makes the game more fun and longer lasting.

The game also has online modes (obviously) such as arcade mode, mission mode (teaches you how to play each character), versus (play against friends locally), and training mode (which is very useful in this game). You also have the option to play at the final boss "Galactus" in arcade mode, who was never playable in the original MvC3. Also, Capcom has said to have a new mode coming out as post launch free DLC, this mode is called "Heroes and Heralds". This mode gives the player access to other characters from both the Marvel and Capcom universe as cards that give special abilities to the characters you're playing as. Some of the abilities are invisibility, power boost, air dashes, and projectile invincibility. This mode should be out soon or even at the moment you're reading this review (I'm writing this in November of 2011).

In closing I'd just like to say I gave the original Marvel vs. Capcom 3 a 3 out of 5 stars for lack of content. I consider this game that much of an improvement over it's previous version. There is a huge verity of characters and play styles, the online is smooth running and lobbies are extremely fun with friends, mission mode is extremely useful for people just learning the game, and the "Heroes and Heralds" mode looks to inflate the games staying power. The fighting genre is coming back and it's games like this that made it one of the best to begin with. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is a game anyone can pick up and play, as well as master. It has enough depth to be taken seriously and casual enough to play with family or friends whenever they are over. With such a low price and for as much content this game is offering it's a steal.

Get your Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom Xbox 360 Now!
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Ditulis oleh: Jack Thompson - Tuesday, August 20, 2013

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