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Highly recommended to spice up any cardio exercise DVD collection

Great Billy Blanks Jr Dance Cardio

Billy Blanks Jr Dance Cardio

The first time I saw Billy blanks Jr. in action was after finding him through Comcast On Demand. After my first workout, I was hooked! I have watched them all, but Billy Blanks Jr. is really the only trainer I trust. It feels weird to put that in writing, but he loves what he does and is genuine about wanting a better quality of life for his viewers. The workout video On Demand was little less intense and the dance moves were less involved. I think I like this DVD even more for that reason. He will want to make you work out. I think about working out while at work. I can't wait to get home, put on my off-the-shoulder shirt, throw my hair up in to a ponytail and get it!! I have struggled with my weight for years and I finally feel like I could really stick with something. If you're questioning whether or not to get this video, rest your mind and just do it. Super fun and exciting workout. I can't say enough good things about it. :)

Get your Billy Blanks Jr Dance Cardio Now!
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Ditulis oleh: Jack Thompson - Thursday, April 18, 2013

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