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6 yr old loves this!

I love Just Dance Kids 2 Xbox 360

Just Dance Kids 2 Xbox 360

I bought this cable solely as a backup, and, due to my own forgetfulness, ended up using it for a very long evening of practice.
That said, I pushed about 400 watts through it for about three hours straight, and it held up just fine. Then, this past weekend, I played two full nights of bar gigs with varying degrees of tonal subtlety (I play in a dance band, and often duplicate synth parts on a four-string bass.) That's to be expected, frankly, but what really stood out was the cable's clarity. In my advancing age, I find myself tweaking little things, from string gauges to preamp tubes to plucking position, in an attempt to let my equipment "breathe."
This cable, short as it is, inconsequent as I might have once considered it, does exactly that. The level of transparency was, in my opinion, unprecedented. I have used only off-the-rack, big-brand cables in the past; Hosa, Monster, Pro Co, Lifelines, Whirlwind...all of them did very solid work, and, with only a few exceptions, their durability has been more than reasonable (for the price. I am on a very strict gear budget, as I tend to play low-paying local gigs or free church shows.)
I am not using other speaker cables. I know how extreme that must sound, but this has been a revelation. I am thrilled with this seemingly-minor purchase.
I also plan on inquiring after instrument cables. I've spent good money on active pickups, and this cable (yes, it is just a speaker cable, but try playing a show without one!) maximized that investment.

Get your Just Dance Kids 2 Xbox 360 Now!
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Ditulis oleh: Jack Thompson - Wednesday, June 5, 2013

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